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The Suffering Trojan Woman

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Abstract This study examine the mental health of Queen Hecuba. Queen Hecuba is grieving over her lose of her husband and sons in the Trojan war. What more is that she had to sacrifice her own daughter Polyxena. Hecuba is also one of the captive and enslaved to the Greek with all of the other trojan women. She is suffering great pain from the fall of the troy and all the people that have died fighting for it. Though the use of DSM-V Queen Hecuba will receive treatment that will help overcome her depression disorder.

A Qualitative Study into the Depression of Queen Hecuba This paper is written to show the progress of depression disorder that afflicted Queen Hecuba. It shows how she suffered from disruptive mood dysregulation, major depressive disorder( including major depressive episode), and persistent depressive disorder( dysthymia). Between all she has gone through it possible for intervention and opportunity for treatment. Review of Queen Hecuba Queen Hecuba suffer many losses that include her husband and children. The loss of her daughter was really painful and tragic. Polyxena was heartbroken because she knew that her mother would suffer great pain. Polyxena said at least if she was alive should share the same pain as her mother being a slave. Polyxena pited her mom Hecuba because she gets live a painful life while Polyxen dies and escapes all of that. (Euripides, P.18, Line 197-205). Queen Hecuba suffered great traumatic depression for the loss of her daughter.


Participant Hecuba wife of prima, Queen of Troy. Hecuba had 19 children. 17 children were from Louis Prima and two were by Apollo. That either died during the trojan war, The ones that we not died yet either fled into hiding and they predicted their death. The reason she had so many children was so one of them could inherit the throne of Troy. During dawn Queen Hecuba mourns her family great loss and is very worried about her nightmare. Later something tragic happens to one of her last remaining daughter Polyxena. Polyxen has to be killed on the tomb of Achilles as a blood sacrifice to his honor (Euripides, P.19, Line 193-197). Measure This article examines the relationship between childhood adversity and postdeployment new-onset psychopathology among a sample of U.S. National Guard personnel deployed during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom with no history of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) ordepression (Rudenstine Sasha). Procedure There are two stages where Queen Hecuba changes her behavior. One is the loss of her husband, sons, and daughters (Euripides, P. 13, Line 70-80). Second was after the loss of Polyxena after it was too much for Hecuba to handle. All Hecuba could do was weep and sorrow for the loss of her children (Euripides, P.142, Line 96-125). Queen Hecuba goes through many unstable emotions because of foreseen dreams of her children dying. How I investigate is by closely watching her change in mood and emotions. Than subscribe the proper medication or physical treatment.


Tentative Diagnosis Queen Hecuba starts with an adjustment disorder with depression mood, also know as acute stress disorder. It is when there's an overwhelming emotional stress, resulting in depression. Can cause tearfulness, depressed mood, and hopelessness. Queen Hecuba has suffer this many times. though the loss of her children and husbands. The sacrifice of her daughter Polyxena and what Polyxena told her before she was sacrifice. How Polyxena was heartbroken because her mother Hecuba was suffer great pain. For treating queen Hecuba for depression she would have to let go of the past and move on. She would have to stop grieving for her losses that she had. Medication is also cure it will help make the pain go away (Rudenstine Sasha P. 68 ). Discussion There was not much that Queen Hecuba could do to change her out come of her life. There was no way she could have saved any of her children from their death. Hecuba could have not prevented her daughter Polyxena from being sacrificed because Hecuba was enslaved at that time and she had no powers. Troy had fallen. Maybe if she had recognized that Troy was going to lose and has surrendered and made peace with the greeks. Than maybe all her children and sons would have been saved. Even possible her daughter and could have avoided having a depression disorder.


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